How to Hit a Draw

How to Hit a Draw

A beginning golfer watching a pro play may quickly become confused by their strategy. The pro swings, and it seems like the ball will never make it to the target; but then it seems to almost miraculously curve to the left, landing in precisely the right spot. While it may seem like a miracle or a fluke to a novice, that left-curving shot was a very intentional one called a draw.

Draw is the term for a shot where the ball curves to the left for a right-handed player or to the right for a left-handed player. It is the opposite of a fade, a shot where the ball curves to the same side as the player's dominant hand. Many pros prefer draws because they allow for consistent performance and greater distance with less backspin. Mastering the draw can be difficult but it can lead to major improvements in your game. This guide will introduce how to hit a draw successfully.

Strategy of a Draw

Once you've mastered it, a draw can become your go-to whenever you need the ball to cut to the corner to make a shot. With careful orientation, you can also substitute a draw for a straight shot when weather conditions or course layout don't leave a lot of room for error. Many golfers prefer to hit a draw using their driver, as it can add several yards of distance to a shot from the tee.

Learning how to hit a draw with a driver or another club requires knowledge of swing paths. The swing path is the way that the club face crosses the target line for your shot and includes the movement it makes before and after it makes contact with the ball. There are three main types of swing paths:

  • Outside-in: the club head begins outside of the target line, crosses the line at impact and then continues inside the target line during follow through
  • Straight: the club head travels closely along the target line
  • Inside-out: the club head begins inside of the target line, crosses the line at impact and then continues outside the target line during follow through

Mastering how to hit a draw in golf usually involves using an inside-out swing path. If you can get used to the swing path, you can actually learn how to hit a draw and fade, using the power fade shot that is a hallmark of Jack Nicklaus' game.

Golf Draw Process

Now that you know a bit about strategy, it's time to break down how to hit a draw golf shot.

Body Position

Learning how to hit a draw in golf starts with body position. To align your body properly, aim the club face toward where you intend for the ball to finish. Then, align your body to the right of that spot, so your shoulders are square with the target and your feet are aligned with it. The exact positioning of your body is less important than where your body is in relation to that target area because your swing path is ultimately what will determine the flight for the ball.

Have A Slightly Closed Club Face

When it comes to learning how to hit a draw, club face position in relation to the ball is everything. To hit the best draw, the club face should be slightly closed. For right handed golfers, this means that the face of the club is slightly left of the target line of the ball. Ultimately, the way the club face is pointed will determine the direction of the ball's flight.

To close the club face, make sure to grip the club while the club face is already positioned in the slightly closed club face direction. Not only will a slightly closed club face help with your draw, it will reduce the loft of the club and will make sure there is no bounce of the club during your swing.


Grip can make or break a draw. A neutral grip will increase your ability to make contact with an inside-out swing path. To adjust your grip if you are right-handed, try rotating your right hand away from you to strengthen your grip and give your wrists the ability to roll for the curved motion of the swing path. If you find this awkward, you can also increase the grip of your right hand without letting up on your left-hand grip. For left-handed players, you'll want to modify your left-hand grip rather than your right.

Rotate Your Hips

In the body position section of how to hit a draw, you learned that both your feet and your shoulders should be square with the target. Once you begin to swing, you'll want to keep your shoulders tilted slightly toward the right. To achieve this, rotate your hips toward the target line at address. Not only will this keep you in the proper alignment, but it will also make it simpler to swing from the inside out.

Swing Inside to Out

As previously mentioned, the best swing path to use when learning how to hit a draw is the inside-out. To create this swing path, you need more room, so take a step backward and avoid crowding the ball. Drop your foot back at address to give yourself extra space for the swing. Don't drop back too sharply, as this can send you off target.

Club Position

If you're learning how to hit a draw with a driver, tee your ball up slightly higher than normal and position the club so that you make contact near the area of your left heel. When hitting a draw with an iron, it is better to move the ball back further in your stance, so the club position allows it to make contact sooner.

Hitting A Proper Draw

Put It All Together

The process of hitting a draw involves putting all of the above components together. Keep in mind that you won't master how to hit a draw with a driver or other club immediately. You'll need to practice regularly to refine your technique. Wearing the right clothing can help as well. Breathable clothing designed to increase your range of motion can reduce distractions and increase your range of motion to benefit your swing. Here at Devereux, you'll find a wide range of men’s golf apparel that will keep you cool and moving freely on the course.

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